Yep, I like tea. (Is totally not ready to post boring stuff to read)
Well.. There really is no way to say this fast due to the fact that people just read through this.. but i'm starting to get too busy to post like once a week, so for now it will be like once.. a month. Normally when I say "Oh I'll get online in 20 minutes." 2 hours later I actually get on, so maybe if I say oh I'll post once a month then I'll actually post like once a week? yay? Idk. I'm just getting too busy with schoolwork. I know that in the middle of February I'll be done with all of the stuff I need to turn in.
So I'm sorry to say that I won't be posting a lot until then, but I will not forget about this blog. The whole point was to have something to get my thoughts out, just think of it as my thoughts being trapped for a tiny little bit to be used to take tests on things I will never use in 5 years (:
Learning is a lie. ~ Ty